Who Needs an Amusement Device License?
Companies leasing amusement devices to businesses in the City of Greenfield should apply for an Amusement Device Owner/Distributor license. There is an additional fee required for a tag for each machine.
If a Greenfield business owns the amusement device(s), the business owner should apply for a tag for each machine he/she owns.
Video gambling machines are not permitted in any establishment issued a Class A, Class B, Class C or license of any combination thereof.
Application Process
Submit the following:
- Original Application for an Amusement Device Owner/Distributor license
- $150 License Fee – once the application is submitted, you will be directed to your BS&A online account to pay the invoice.
- $40 for each tag requested in Section 4 of the application
**Please note when paying for your license online with a credit card, there will be a transaction fee of 2.5% with a minimum of $2.00 added to your payment** If you want to avoid the fee, you can mail a check to:
City Clerk's Department
7325 W. Forest Home Ave., Rm, 102
Greenfield, WI 53220
Deadline for Application Submittal
New Amusement Device License/Tag: Applications must be approved by the Greenfield Common Council. Applications must be submitted at least 13 days prior to a Council meeting to be eligible for consideration. The Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. From June through September, the Council meets only once per month (on the 3rd Tuesday of each month).
Renewal of current Amusement Device License/Tag: Applications must be approved by the Greenfield Common Council. Applications should be submitted and paid for by April 15.
License Period
License year begins August 1 and ends on July 31st of the following year. Once a license approved, you will be notified via email that you can access it for printing through your BS&A online account.
Adding Tags
If a Distributor wishes to add additional tags during the year, another application must be submitted. Council approval is not required. Additional tags are $40 each.
Renewal Applicants
License renewal notices are generally emailed mid to late April of each year and specify the deadline to renew an Amusement Device Owner/Distributor license (usually early June).
Posting of License Required
Distributors located in Greenfield must post their licenses in a conspicuous place on the premises. This requirement also applies to other licenses a business may hold (Entertainment license, Cigarette license, etc.). A tag should be affixed to each device.
Change of Business
If a business changes ownership, the Distributor must apply for new tags listing the name of the new business.